Monday, June 22, 2009

3rd week and counting

Tennessee Championship BBQ was held this weekend literally in our backyard. Phil volunteered to help (got a free T-shirt) it is a annual fundraiser for Alzheimer's, (Phil's dad and my mom). You paid $10 to get in, $5 for 5 ribs, and $5 a beer. Why people come to this I don't know. The bbq cookoff food went to the hospitality tent and the volunteers got to eat all they wanted. So Phil had a great 2 days. You can see a couple of the BIG cookers. There were 70-80 teams represented, a team from Florida was camped next to us.

Ivy left for Y camp in Tulsa, Ok yesterday. This is her second year there. She was doing a real good job for her softball team before leaving. Got 3 hits 4-5 RBIs and a double. Way to go Miss Ivy.

Audrey's coach took her to Emporia to watch older girls tournament play so she could learn more but the entire tournament was a rain out. Her coaches like her and thinks she is interested in learning more about the game not there just for the social side (boy does she have them snowed).

Asa went to Boy Scout camp with his dad last weekend up around Abilene. He was the rock climbing champ. Asa his dad and another father and son were walking and the other dad was telling jokes. So Asa said he had a joke. And he told the joke that Grandpa tells about the Panda going into the bar and Laramie said he did a great job. The funny thing is - Laramie was just getting ready to tell it too.
Becki was in the kitchen and Cambree said "mom come here" "Mom come here" So Becki went to her and said "what Cambree" Cambree said "mom I lost my know how" Becki said "you lost what"? Cambree said "I lost my know how- I don't know how to do this". Don't you just love those little ones and the funny things they say!!!!

This one will get ya: Brennan asked his mom if he would ever be normal. Becki said Brennan this is 'your normal'. You think I will always be diabetic mom. Yes Brennan I think you will be. You mean you don't think they will ever find a cure, Brennan said. Becki answered him, Yes but not real soon. OK I was just wondering he said and Becki finished giving him his 4th insulin shot for the day. Pray for a cure soon. Here Brennan this is for you.

This is a banana peanut butter sandwich. I eat this alot and it is good. Thought you might like it too. The other day I had my apple with peanut butter like you do so you can try this now. Hope you like it.
We had a busy week at work. Our computer froze up on me just as I was finishing up the days work so TK had to overnight us a new one and we had to install it. We tested 1588 people last week and were only schedules to test 1100. Fed Ex says we are almost 1/2 finished with the night people and we have only been here 3 weeks. What will we do for the next 6 weeks ?? The people stand outside our test unit for 2 hours waiting to be tested. They are suppose to be putting a stop to that this week so we will see what happens.
Hope you fathers had a great Father's Day. I called my dad. Wish I could have been there to give him a hug. I love you dad.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

what a week

Pretty sites in Tennessee. Lots of Magnolia trees. Can't figure out exactly when they bloom but when you see them flowered out it is really beautiful.

I thought Memphis was along ways from Valley Center but, Memphis got even further away from Valley Center this past week.

What a week we had. Got a call from Becki Sun 6-7 and Rick, my brother, fell 18' from a ladder at home. Ambulance to hospital. Ended up with a broken hip, badly dislocated shoulder and severe laceration on his arm. Had hip surgery on Mon with a couple rods and went home Wed. He is having PT at home and then will go out to PT. WOW he was blessed and definently he was not flying alone. Phil told him he should not forget his cape next time. haha
Wed morn, 6-10, got a call from Becki and she said Mike, my brother in law, had a stroke. Mike was going to help Becki and Jon with there condo and he didn't show up so they called Patty and she went home from work and found Mike in bed. Took him into the hospital. Determined he had a stroke effecting his speech and thought process. He went to rehab 6-16. Phil has plans for the two of them later on this year, after we retire, to go to a blues festival in Mississippi so Mike had better hurry up and get better. Go Mike Go. we love you.
We went to a supper Sun night it was the sound off for the FunFest. Phil is volunteering to help the festival. It is a fund raiser for Alzheimers Assn here in Memphis. It is the Tennessee Championship BarbQue cook off. They will have 70-80 teams in competition. It is right next to where we are parked so the smell will probably be over whelming. Hmmmmmmm. Pictures will follow later.
Praying for Rick and family and Mike and family back home. Love you all

Saturday, June 6, 2009

true confessions

I'm a yeller and I hurt peoples feelings. There I have said it so it must be.

At 3:00 this morning while working I was told by a lady helping us work that I yelled at her and hurt her feelings. She was sending people in to have there hearing tested and we were not ready. We had told her before that we would let her know when to send them in well I was not ready for the next 10 and she sent them in. So I told them they would have to leave and go back into the building until we were ready. She stood in the doorway and said why was I sending them back in. I said we are not ready. And she said that she needed to know why. I'm sorry - she didn't need a reason right then and I didn't have time to explain AGAIN. So I said I was testing and had a problem and I would explain later. So when things settled down I called her in to my office and tried to explain why. She then told me that I had hurt her feelings. This lady in her late 50's would not listen when I tried to apologize and waked off and after that she wouldn't answer back on the walkie talkies'. Phil had to be the go between. It made me laugh and want to cry.

We had all worked a long week of 7pm-4am and I'm sure we were all tired and ready for our week to be over - but. I don't think I yell (couldn't ask Phil because I have yelled a time or two at him over the last 40 some years). And I would never hurt someone's feelings on purpose, would I? Boy here I am in Memphis alone and now learning who I am. WOW not sure I can handle all this. I think I need a hug.

OK I'm thru now. Just had to get this off of my chest.

We start working from 9pm until 6am, Mon thru Sat morning for the next 8 weeks. Aug 1 I think it is. We are beginning to get use to it.

We have started working out. Starting slowly-I rode my bike for 5 minutes (minutes not miles). Actually my knees didn't hurt like I thought they might since I hadn't ridden for awhile. Anyways I plan on increasing it daily. We have a farmers market up the hill from us so we have been buying fruits and veggies. So hopefully Memphis bbq won't be to hard on us.

Sorry no pics like I say we have been only sleeping and working this week. Send us news from home we enjoy getting it.