Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter at Sedgwick 2009

I haven't blogged in so long I forgot that I had to put my pictures in backwards. SOOOO my they are in wrong but you can make your way thru it. I hope.

THis is the Easter Egg Hunting group. You can tell they are all having a great time. Sedgwick had made cupcakes, punch and served ice cream bars. Ramie helped hide over 300 plastic eggs. Well actually she said she just threw them out because there were so many.

Here is mom kididng around. Poor dad I wonder if
he ever got any ice cream.

Cambree and Cadyn had a great time. Cambree picked up an egg took the candy out and gave Cadyn the empty egg. OR was it Cadyn who did that. They are so cute together. And believe me Cadyn holds his own with every one. (Definently takes after his Gpa)

Ramie is so helpful with the little ones. I think she was being paid in candy to help them.
And Brennan is very watchful over Cambree and made sure she filled her basket.
More of you will have to come next year. They really have very few kids attending and the kids have a great time. We never hear about it until just before it happens, but really we all knew Easter was coming so next year a couple weeks before Easter be prepared for the Easter Bunny at Sedgwick.

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