You walked up to this view site and there is a big red WARNING sign. It says to stay on the trail that this cactus is dangerous. We went walking on the trail a ways and saw the pretty soft fluffy looking cactus with little yellow flowers.

Looks pretty and soft doesn't it. This couldn't be the cactus they were warning us about. Well we stayed on the trail anyways. Then we walked back to the truck and saw 3 ladies across the road walking in the desert.

The one in purple had her pant leg up and was pulling out stickers from the cactus. The lady in the fall right in the red jacket was busy working on the sleeve of her jacket. It was so funny (mainly cause it wasn't me). Hope they got a good picture.

Look closely up the hill and you can see a mine opening. In the 30's they mined for Gold, 40's mined for Lead and in the 50's mined for Copper.

Phil and I were
discussing how smooth the mountains were looking in the Colorado Desert. Then up and over the next hill we started seeing rocks well maybe I should call them boulders.

And then we see the sign that said we were now in the Mojave Desert. Now we were seeing huge boulders and the cactus and other vegetation was different.
Please continue on to the Mojave Desert pictures.
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