Found this road side farm just south of McPhaul Bridge and North of Yuma.
We had been seeing fields of cabbage, lettuce, beets, brocoli and carrotts growing.
So we stopped to buy some cabbage. It was cheaper to pick your own so Phil set out to pick.
Phil had a great time picking the cabbage, probably to much fun we came home with 5 HUGE heads. $1 a head. One HUGE head doesn't fit into our fridge. We gave a couple away and thank goodness it is cooler outside this week, we left the others outside.
The brocoli was to far gone. Carrots hard to dig out but, we got our $1 worth.
This machine was setting over a field of brocoli but it looks to me like it could pick other crops also. The pickers stand behind it and place the crops on the belt and it falls into a box someone is carrying. OK I don't know that is how it is done but that is the way it looks to us.
This is a stump stove. You start a fire in the bottom hole
and it burns up inside the stump. Cool isn't it!
Had a great time seeing things on the way to Yuma so when we got to Yuma we had to turn around and return home. So we will have to see Yuma another day.
More pictures and sites in another blog.
Are you bringing a stump stove home with you? Very cool. I'm so glad you are seeing so many neat things. I love that you guys got FIVE cabbages! I hope you both like coleslaw a LOT. What else will you do with it? Cornbeef? That's about it for cabbage, isn't it? haha. Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time. Miss and Love you both! Patty
oops the bridge and the farm are two different posts-oh well I guess you will understand my commemts even if they are in the wrong place. and I don't get the stump fire thing...
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