several excuses, but, the one I counted on is going away. I have my arm out of the sling but I'm still in therapy trying to rebuild the strength which I haven't had for almost 3 years. I am doing better but arm gets tired.
You know how I have always said Phil talks to anyone well now I have proof. Saw Jake and Elroy just sitting in the sun minding there own business and then there is Phil in the middle of them. We make alot of wrong turns in our travels and this was one of them. We were making a u-turn when we saw them.
We saw Hoover Dam last year and the new bridge going up so we wanted to go this year and see the progress. I guess we doubted that the arch going up from both directions would meet in the middle. Well it met but we got no pictures because we saw it at night. This is Las Vegas's Treasurer Island. We like the lights and the activity of the "strip" but not to interested in sticking around for very long.
on and on and on.
Evidently no one has told Las Vegas that the country is not doing well. Look at the building cranes in the back ground. I think we counted 4 new buildings going up on the strip. Could not believe it.
Neither Phil nor I had been to California so here was our chance to go into the state but not get involved with the cities. We weren't ready for that yet.
Look at this mountain and the ribbons of color. Picture dosen't really do it justice.
Read on to the next blog about Death Valley
1 comment:
That mountain is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! The statues look like they are in someones front yard.
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