Alot has happened since my last blog and I will try and fill in the blanks with pictures, probably not so much with words, can't remember yesterday let alone 3 months ago.

Patty you wanted pictures. Well this is a picture of the desert. Well that is what I had intended for it to be anyways. Taking a picture while riding in a truck with only one hand and my left hand at that isn't proving to be real productive.
We stopped in Fort Worth had breakfast with my Aunt Ila. She hasn't changed much at all, I think I'm aging faster than she is. Of course I forgot my camera. She sent us on our way with a tin of homemade cookies. My favorite was the German Crispy (gotta get her receipe)

This is a oil rig at the Oil Museum in Tx. We got there 15 min before closing, we will catch it next time thru.

The weather was something to deal with. We came the southern route due to our leaving Ks so late and snow. We had head wind like you wouldn't believe. Rain wasn't bad and the cold at night was ok. We spent our nights in Walmart or Truck Stops. We thought this cloud hanging low over this mountain was pretty.

Then when we saw the mountains with the snow we were glad we took the long route. Isn't this kinda neat seeing the desert land and the snow on the mountains.

And this picture, well I actually don't know what this was suppose to be of. Anyways this will probably mean you won't see as many pics this trip. But we are here in Tucson and enjoying the sites. Our weather has been in the 50-60 daytime 30-40 at night. Cloudy with rain a couple of days. I have enjoyed setting out in the sun thou. When learning of the closed schools back home because of 6--8 in of snow and the 6 degrees I remember why we are here. I hope the kids have fun at McLaughlin Park snowball fight this afternoon.
Missing family and friends back home
Thanks for the pictures! I'll be checking back for more. I'm glad you guys are having a wonderful time, and keeping warm. And, Yep, we are cold and buried in snow. I took a snow day myself today. We got a lot more snow than Wichita did, and I'm not sure we could get out of the driveway. Bring some of that warmth back with you when you come home. :) Love, Patty
Too bad you couldn't go to the oil musuem, huh? Good timing on that one mom. hahahaha
I just really looked at the pictures and you're pretty funny! The mountain pictures are pretty neat, maybe we will have to go out west sometime with the kids!
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