a new RV. But it wasn't what we wanted so it
was a wasted trip for that reason but it was a
fun trip just seeing the different scenery.
is Galveston Bay. The hurricane came thru here last year but the devastation is still there. Piers
that were there are now just the poles sticking out of the water, where houses were is now parts
of houses with tarps or piles of trash. Really pretty sad but then you see the houses that are being built right next to the water. WOW what chances are being taken just for the view.
poles now instead of wood. And looks like
maybe higher up. But still i just couldn't take
the risk again and again.
I'm looking at this tanker but seeing a cruise ship out there. I'm really liking that picture.
This is the ferry we took over to go to Houston. It was full. While we were waiting in line a young boy got his fising pole out of his truck and went over and fished for about 15 minutes. It was like out of a Huck Finn movie. He didn't catch anything but I don't think he minded.
Had a wonderful hotel room and for having only a two day trip we packed in a lot of sight seeing and good time.
My next trip will be going home. HOME SWEET HOME. YEA HOME.
I'm so glad that Michelle put a link to your blog on her FB. I couldn't find it on my computer at home, and now I put it in my favorites. Just in time for you to come home and tell me all this stuff in person - haha. Anyway, loved all your pictures and stories. Can't wait to see you. Love from your SIS!
If I had money I would build one of those houses, for the view! Okay they don't look to safe for little kids, but hey do I have any of those anymore?
surely they are just vacation houses or rentals- don't ya think?
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