Looking out the window the sky is dark, the air is cool and the ground is soaked so the water is just setting there looking for some where to drain. On our way here the rain was coming down hard. But we arrived safe and sound. Thank you God.
This park sets outside Tiptonville, Tn where we
called home for a couple of nights. We worked
at a plant that builds barges. Phil took a tour. The people there told us that this was a real nice fishing lake (woke up to the sound of boats) but it has alot of did I say ALOT of snakes. I change the channels when a snake comes on TV.
These are Cypress trees pretty neat looking root system and stumps. Well amongst the swirling waters around those pretty stumps I saw snakeS. My mind was soon put to ease when an older gentleman came up to us and said "do you see all those gars spawning"? Yes I do!!
Of course, I had already told Becki about the snakeS as big as my arm in the water next to my front door. I slept alot better knowing they were just alligator gars with sharp teeth, 3ft long and as big as my arm spawning outside my front door. (Laughing at me are you Linda)
This is several barges of coal floating down the
Heading to Jonesboro, Ark Tuesday.
Very interesting Thanks so much for sharing. I hope your have a great summer! BEL
I didn't realize how pretty it was where you were camping. Glad you took pictures.
Also, I don't know if ducks count as wildlife- do they?
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