It was really cold at the game and most of the boys were not dressed for a ball game in April with Feb weather. Glad I went.
The next exciting thing was the demolition of my
couch. It was the most uncomfortable thing to sit
on and sleeping on it was impossible to I told Phil to just get rid of it. Well we could not get it out the door so we got Brennan, who loves to tear into things and they went at it. Gave Brennan a knife and hammer. That would be a mistake if no supervision was involved but, Grandpa was very good with him and told him what to do and let B do it. They did a good job. When Asa got home they finished it off. Small enough pieces that most of it fit into the trash can. Yea
on and sleeping on it was impossible to I told Phil to just get rid of it. Well we could not get it out the door so we got Brennan, who loves to tear into things and they went at it. Gave Brennan a knife and hammer. That would be a mistake if no supervision was involved but, Grandpa was very good with him and told him what to do and let B do it. They did a good job. When Asa got home they finished it off. Small enough pieces that most of it fit into the trash can. Yea
Then we went to HONK. The ugly duckling story put to music. It was GREAT. Here is Ramie, she was a rabbit in the chorus line and a fish in a dance line of 8. Ella watched. Audrey was a goose in the chorus line and also in a dance line of 8.Ivy was a pig in the chorus line and also a frog in the dance routine. Natalie watched. They had rehearsels every nite this week for 4-5 hours and did 3 shows on Friday, 2 Sat and Sun. It was for Music Youth Theatre (I know I got it wrong again didn't I Michelle). Michelle and Becki both worked hard in helping the kids get to where they were suppose to be and makeup and paint shop etc.
Here is the after show picture with my mom and the girls and Becki snuck in with a very cute smile. We enjoyed seeing it more than once!!! I hope the girls will continue with the program. This was Ivy's and Ramie's 2nd musical and Audrey's first. Asa wants to try out for the next show, he'd be good at it too. I LOVE my grand children and there talents or lack of talents they are mine and they are super. Thanks for the family coming and seeing there shows they do appreciate it. My mom even waved at they while they were dancing/singing. But they were performers and didn't wave back. Gotta love mom. Phil brought his mom the nite before (no camera then). Thanks again for reading this blog and my carrying on about my grandchildern. To think some people miss out on theres for one reason or another. How sad is that.
Natalie and I had a wonderful time at HONK, and I think it inspired her to try out when she gets old enough. We did have marvelous seats didn't we?!?! When Nat was talking about the play later, she said "Now, how many of my girls were in it?" Then she named them. I think it made her feel pretty special to know the actors! And, I'm so glad that Mom got to go, too. Thanks for bringing her, Marilyn. Love, Patty
Music Theater for Young People (MTYP)
i look awsome in my pig costume but i am glad that natalie and ella had a good time
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