We had a family meal at Terry and Barbs home before we left to go back out on the road. I suggested everyone bring something they liked to eat that mom made. Well I brought pork chops baked in cream corn. No one but Terry remembered that. I think Mom fixed tomato soup for Greg and Patty on that night. Kathy and Greg brought chicken and noodles (soooooo good) and green beans. Patty and Mike brought bread pudding and it tasted almost as good as moms. Terry and Barb made coleslaw (Kathy said it tasted like moms) and red jello with bananas and marshellows, it was really good too. The sheet cake you see is really a family get together MUST and so Kathy did bring it along after my urging. Thanks Kathy. Rick and Shirley were missed and we didn't even talk much about yous. We did have a great time remembering our growing up days and I was wondering if we all came from the same home haha.

Asa invited us to his Blue and Gold Banquet over the weekend. He got several pins and awards. The food is all home cooked by parents and the tables are decorated by the boys. They put on a couple skits (pretty funny). Thanks for asking us to come Asa.
Here is the

cleaned up
working Phil.
He grew his hair and beard while we were off work then cleaned up when we went back. I hate to see him cut and shave, I guess I'm just use to the old one.
He had his treadmill test and it came back just fine so did his blood work. Well his bad choles is high and his good choles is low, and the other numbers are high that should be low etc. So he will have more lab on 3-10 hopefully we can get this being tired all the time under controll
We have given our 3 month notice to TK. We have enjoyed our travels with them but it is time for us to do something else. We will stay alittle longer than the 3 months but this is our last year.
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