Saturday, July 5, 2008


Today is the day after the 4th of July. I watched fireworks shot off from Germantown, Tn. Phil rode his motorcylce into Memphis and watched them shot off from a barge on the Mississippi River with many many thousands people. He said they were good, but I don't like crowds and I enjoyed them from our 5th wheel. I haven't seen a large fireworks display in a few years and I did see many designs that were new to me, hearts, saturns, spheres etc. I watched them while listening to the Boston Pops on TV. And then I cleaned the spots on my carpet.

Yes we are in Memphis, Tn. The home of Elvis Presley, 2-3 shootings every night, 55 speed zones on the freeway but everyone goes 65-75, Bar-b-q on every corner. Not my favorite town really.

We got a call from our boss a week ago and she said the techs in Memphis were having trouble and she needed us to go to Memphis right away. So the techs in Memphis came to St. Joseph, Mo (where we were working) and we left for Memphis. We have worked the Fed Ex job for the last two years only we worked it after our vacation in Sept. Now they do it from June thru Sept, but we always spent our summers in Wichita (that job cancelled boohoo) but since we were freed up we went to Memphis and will be here until Sept 24th. That means our vacation will be postponed and Phil will miss Winfield Blue Grass Festival. We are working 9P-6A for 2weeks then 8a-5p for 5weeks then back on nights and then back on days. Yuck. The lady at Fed Ex asked for us we will do 12,000 + people.

Phil will probably still go to the Festival. He will get sick and be off for a few days ride his motorcycle home while I do the job. Really one person can do the job for afew days so I don't mind. BUT I will definetly miss the FAMILY back home.

Michelle and family met us in Tulsa for lunch on our way to Memphis so we got to see them for a little visit-Ivy was at camp in Tulsa so they had come down to pick her up. We had a wonderful time. Becki and her family plus Ramie will stop in Memphis on there way home from Maine. I know not exactly on there way to Kansas. Can't wait to see them they have been in maine for over a month now. Ramie went with them this year. They have had a good time. Cambree keeps saying she wants to go home "I want to go to MY home", Brennan's blood sugars have really been up and down. It'll be so good to see them. I miss all the lov'en.

We are parked at a RV park next to a farmers market so we are enjoying home grown tomatoes and fruit, Walmart and resturants to the North and Sams to the South. A church not to far away-people are not real friendly. Lots of good places Phil likes to go on his motorcyle.

Now that I have found this again and figured out how to create maybe I will do it more often. I can't find my picutres on the computer and I know that Laramie downloaded some before we left home the last time, I'm going to try and download from my camera and then I'll try and figure out how to post pictures for you. it's not like I have anything else to do.

From Memphis