Monday, June 18, 2007

June 18 2007 In the chaos of life,retreat to the inner peace of Christ.

I have wanted to do this since we started traveling almost 4 years ago. (I'm such a pro at procrastination) Due to two of my nieces and there blogs and help and the purchase of a "air card" for the internet I think today I'm launching my own blog. Thanks for tuning in. Next I need to learn how to include pictures-any helpers on that out there?
We are at work today at Spirit in Wichita, Ks. We have been here since June and scheduled here until Aug 1st. We love being home for the summer. Our grandkids have kept us busy. They are all playing some sort of ball-so a game almost every night.
Ramie and Audrey (our 10 year old granddaughters ) left for camp yesterday. They went to a YMCA camp in Tulsa, Ok. They were so excited. They and Ivy, our 9 year old, play softball on the same team (that really is nice). Asa, our 7 year grandson, plays machine pitch and Brennan, our 6 year grandson, plays T-ball. And Cambree, our 21 month old granddaughter, plays catch. After careful batting coaching from me they are hitting the ball. It's in my genes. We love to go and watch them play. Asa is going to Boy Scout Camp, Ivy is going to acting camp and Brennan is going to a camp for diabetics his age. We haven't found one that will take onrey Cambree yet.
Phil will be seeing a surgeon next week to see what needs to be done about his gall stones. He is not very excited about that prospect. If it can be done easy than we will go to Roaring River for the week of 4th of July (we have off the whole week) if not then we will be at home recuperating after surgery. Pray for the easiest way out.
I'll try and play catch-up on our travels as the days go by. This will be fun I think-I so enjoy reading my nieces blogs hope mine will be enjoyable for you all too.